The Name

People ask the question…

What the hell does this name mean?

And I am telling: Which one?

*enter smug face gif here*

Depending on context you might have heard either of these:

RobertRro·bert or Wro·berrtYou call me this only if you read my ID as first touch point
RobRrobb or WrobEnglish work environment, distant but friendly
Jefiajeff·I·a…we seem to know each other for 15+ years
Jeffjeffyou stuck around for some time
Jefejeff·ehyou are good friend, seen me coding or gaming on the net
eljefedelrodeodeojefeel·chefe·del·rodeo·del·chefe (ch = the spanish J-sound )me on the web

So Where the Hell does it Come From?

When you are a 11 year old on the old internet you need to give yourself a name (because for whatever weird reason - to this day - user account systems prompt for a username). Cool. How to get to one when you haven’t seen much of world out there: you invent one that sound cool all clever.

Neo and Crash Override and Zero Cool, where all taken. Later they made some so so cool movies about them. Cool for them.

So one decisive afternoon, riding the Deutsche Bahn, I portmanteau-d two words:

  • I…
  • …never tell which ones.


It’s that bad.

Anyways, Jefia was born.

While being active on the internet and in first FPSes (Counter Strike — Source, of course, Project Reality Mod), the name stuck.

Since the name is:

  • somewhat uncommon
  • might sound female to some people (indicates femninity due to the spanish -a suffix)

…people started abbreviating it Jeff or Jeff-eh.

Since Jeff sounnds as much as your uncle Bob as does Robert, I preferred Jeff-eh and introduce myself as such since then.

Now, Jefe is a very short name for the net. I needed to come up with a derivative, that is somewhat coool..

The Rodeo

Watching german trash TV (pre-netflix, waaaay way pre-netflix) a blitz has struck me!!

…in the form of a documentary (I like documentaries very much) about fracking MEXICAN WRESTLERS!!!!

To be continued